Friday, October 19, 2018

blog 4

Today October 19th 2018 CNN had an article titled  Migrant Caravan Clashes with Mexican Police, waits on bridge at Mexican border. The article is about the huge migration of Honduran  citizens trekking from their home country to the United States. There are approximately 4000 people trying to make it to the States. I understand that they have a terrible life in their country so they are trying to come here to make a better one. Trump tweeted that if Mexico did not stop the migration he would be forced to take action. I am just curious what kind of action he was speaking of. So I went on some pages to see what people were thinking. I happened to stop at the Blue Lives Matter page and they were talking about murdering these people because they are invading our country. I was in total shock that this thought would actually cross people's mind. Some people would be ok murdering innocent people who are trying to make a better life for themselves. I don't know what the solution would be but I am almost certain it isn't mass murder. This thought had me so disturbed that I brought it to family dinner. As I was explaining this around the dinner table someone in my family stated that it starts with murdering people trying to get in the country then it progresses to murdering people trying to leave our country. I had to think of my best friend in Germany and wonder how she felt about all of this. We as a country cannot find a better solution other than murder? I am hoping that this is all a fear tactic. Many of the people complaining really don't have much to worry about in their lives other than beating rush hour traffic. None of us have walked a mile in their shoes. We do not know how it feels to face death in the face everyday. I hope that our country does not travel down this dark road. What does Lady Liberty even stand for anymore?

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They got one of their own

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