Friday, September 21, 2018


     On Saturday September 21st 2018, and article was posted in BBC title Brett Kavanaugh nomination: Trump Challenges Accuser is telling about is going on going on with the new Supreme Court Justice nominee. Mr. Kavanaugh has been accused of sexual assault from a lady that he went to high school with. Digging up dirt by the opposing party is nothing new. This sort of dog and pony show is quite common between the donkeys and the elephants. What I found interesting is watching people respond to the claim. Some people believe her then there are others that say why did she wait so long to say anything about it.
    With President Trump took about a week to respond to the claims against his nominee I was quite surprised. Then Trump came through in true Trump fashion stating if something bad did happen why didn't her parents do something about it then? The president went on tweet why didn't she report it and why didn't the FBI investigate in 36 years ago? This is a classic case of victim blaming/shaming  her for not acting in the time that people think victims should respond. Not knowing (or refusing to admit) that many victims (both men and women) have repressed memories of the trauma. The article did state that she and he husband did seek counseling back in 2012 regarding this matter. I was following the hashtag #WhyIDidntReport has some very interesting reasons for people not reporting their sexual assaults
     I am not sure what will come of out this but the only ones that that know the truth are Mr. Kavanaugh and Professor Ford. What is disappointing me about the whole ordeal is that a victim is only believed if they agree with you politically. Otherwise the victim is blamed and shamed for the nation's viewing pleasure. When the #metoo Movement began the republicans were clapping with glee with the Hollywood bigwigs were dropping like flies. These women then were so brave to come forward and share their stories. Now when the shoe is on the other political foot these women are liars and can't be trusted. In the same note the Democrats are trying to send him to the slaughter but when a Democrat was going through the same thing that wanted to wait and find out all the information.
     This all leaves the victim as a pawn in a chess game they never wanted to play. Trying to fight for vindication when they are only suppose to be receiving support. Now Professor Ford has to do this in front of all of us to criticize her.  True there have been women that have made false claims but the stories that are real far outweighs them. I think that each of needs to check ourselves and make sure that our emotions are not tied to a political party and we can see right from wrong no matter what "wing" it comes from.

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