Friday, December 14, 2018

They got one of their own

I wanted to make a few comments on a blog written by Nicanor Ruiz Jaimes regarding the beating of an undercover cop in St Louis. The undercover cop was dressed as a protester at a rally in St. Louis. There had been numerous complaints that cops were beating protesters at rallies so I guess they decided to plant a cop there to see if it was true. Well the undercover cop (a 22 year veteran of the force) was beaten by officers that were supposed to be there to watch was going on.

Here is where I will veer off a little from Nicanor's blog. In his blog he said that the beating wasn't racially motivated. This is not true the beating was quite racially motivated. Washington Post wrote a article taking about one of the officers, Daniel Boone texting some of his police buddies, "It's gonna be a lot of fun beating the hell out of these s---heads once the sun goes down and nobody can tell us apart!!!"  Boone and two other officers ended up doing just that. Beating the shit out of the undercover cop!!! They threw him on the ground and beat him with a baton even though he was complying with their orders. They beat him so bad that he couldn't eat and lost 20 pounds. So yes I think that this attack had a lot to due with race and also the fact that they were pretty sure that they would get away with it.

These officers were charged with beating up the undercover cop. My question is would they have been charged if it wasn't an officer? Was it something they had to do because they could not sweep it under the rug? By reading these text messages that the officers were sending back and forth to each other this was not the first time that the officers had engaged in these actions since on of them texted "it feels good to go rouge". I think there should be a deeper look in to police brutality. Maybe the officials should start taking the citizens at their word when they say they are being beaten and harassed by the cops. Hopefully having this happen to one of their own will make them take a step back and see what is really going on.

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Goodbye Kelly

I found an interesting article in CNN  titled Trump Announces that John Kelly is Leaving. What tickled me a little was the fact when MSM asked a few weeks ago if General Kelly leaving at the end of the year the president cried Fake News but now he us leaving. So maybe "fake news" isn't so fake at all. It has been no secret that Kelly was not a fan of Trump in the later months leading up to this. I think that Kelly could not give Trump the unquestioned loyalty that he so desires. I don't run in many circles that really discuss General Kelly but overhearing the "grownups" talk General Kelly, to some, was the only reason why some people were still supporting President Trump. I heard that the General was one of the few sane ones in the President's camp.

I wonder if the last straw was how President Trump wanted to use the military at the border. I read that the General didn't want to sign the order to send the troops to the border and was forced to by Trump. I think deep down inside John Kelly knew that this is not what our military does and the thought of having the military fighting women and children trying to make a better life for their children might be a bad look for the military and the nation as a whole. Maybe Kelly saw the danger of using the military as the President's personal guard dogs. Slowly turning into a dictator. I wish I could know the true reasons why the two were at odds. Also I think it was a strategic move to let him go after the mid-terms. Trump knew that he would lose a lot of people if John Kelly was let go before then. 

They got one of their own

I wanted to make a few comments on a blog written by  Nicanor Ruiz Jaimes  regarding the beating of an undercover cop in St Louis. The under...